Mr.Espinos met important people such as Mr.Suga, the Chief Cabinet Secretary during his 4 days stay in Tokyo.

More than 700,000 signatures were handed over to Mr.Takashima, the chairperson of Tokyo Assembly.

World Karate president Mr. Antonio Espinos met Mr. Yoshihide Suga, the Chief Cabinet Secretary, Mr. Wataru Takeshita, Minister for Reconstruction, and Mr. Nobuo Kishi, a Diet member, during his stay in Tokyo from March 23rd to March 26th.

Mr. Suga has strongly supported “Karate into the Olympics Campaign” as the president of All-Party Parliamentary Federation for the Promotion of Karate. Mr. Takeshita is a secretary general of the foundation.

The campaign by WKF and JKF is highly esteemed by them. Especially Mr. Suga encouraged Mr. Espinos, “I hope you’ll continue making every effort until TOCOG will make decision in September, and also until the IOC session in August 2016.”

On the 25th, at Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium, JOC Junior Olympic Cup Karatedo Opening ceremony has been held with attendance of Mr. Espinos, JKF president Mr. Sasagawa, and Mr. Takashima, a chairperson of Tokyo assembly.

During the ceremony, representative of high school student karateka handed more than 700,000 signatures supporting the campaign over to Mr. Takashima. After receiving whole karateka’s petition Mr. Takashima made a speech, “As a delegate of all Tokyo citizen, I promise all of you to pass the signatures to Tokyo Governor Mr. Masuzoe and TOCOG.”